Friday 13 March 2009

Staying with No according to Harvard Business

Staying with No - Harvard Management Update -
Sometimes, it takes all the muscle I still have to refrain from saying "told you so"

Thursday 12 February 2009

The Positive No

Saying "no" is a positive affirmation of personal control of a situation. Freelancers do it all the time. There are projects that are not profitable or interesting that those in the freelance economy choose to decline.

And there's the rub.


I received a tweet on launching this blog to ask if I had seen or read The Yes Man - the answer is "not yet" - but if we are conditioned or choose to blindly say "yes" all the time, aren't we letting others or circumstances or our environment or upbringing or sub-conscious take control and therefore responsibility for our actions?

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Saturday 7 February 2009

500 Workers in Newham say no

Newham refuse workers walk out |
I have no political axe to grind. But this is a good example of taking control of a situation. 500 workers in East London walked out when the local council attempted to change terms and conditions.  These people felt that the imposition of new terms and conditions would result in a pay cut and refused to to accept it. Not union led. Spontaneous. They said "no".

Why The Power Of No

When an individual says "no", they take control of the situation. By saying "yes" control remains with the person requesting whatever it they want. True?

Does Not Give Interviews

One way of saying "no" and preserving some personal power of your privite life is to not give interviews. Just say "no" when the press come calling.
Except, that every article you find that says " does not give interviews" is always followed by an exclusive interview with our chosen hermit. Talk about pursuing the elusive for an exclusive.

The Power Of No

This is dedicated to the idea that only those who can say "no" have any power in any organization in any situation. Everyone else has to "yes". Discuss...